Download PDF Mostly Sunny How I Learned to Keep Smiling Through the Rainiest Days Janice Dean 9781982608927 Books

By Calvin Pennington on Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Download PDF Mostly Sunny How I Learned to Keep Smiling Through the Rainiest Days Janice Dean 9781982608927 Books

Product details

  • Audio CD 1 pages
  • Publisher HarperCollins B and Blackstone Audio; Unabridged AUDIO edition (March 5, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1982608927

Mostly Sunny How I Learned to Keep Smiling Through the Rainiest Days Janice Dean 9781982608927 Books Reviews

  • I couldn’t put the book down! Janice Dean wrote such a fascinating book about what it’s like to work on TV - Fox News and Don Imus especially - and the dynamic of smilimg for the audience while fighting behind the scenes with harassment and hostility. The other aspect of the book that is equally as interesting is how she has faced living with Multiple Sclerosis in the public eye but never let it define her or affect her gratitude for her family and friends and blessings. You can just tell from the book that she’s a genuinely good person and that why she’s had such a successful career with the audience. This is a must read if you’re interested in what goes on behind the scenes in TV or if you need a guide book for overcoming life’s challenges and staying optimistic.
  • I really tried to like this book. I just couldn't. The issues the author discusses are so superficial and some are downright self indulgent. Her father had to leave her graduation. There might be a darn good reason he had to leave, yet this wasn't considered, instead-she ridicules and vows to never ever treat her kids like that and exploits her father's perceived shortcomings to the world. How embarrassing for dad. For all you know, he had a panic attack. He could have had diarrhea. Maybe he was too embarrassed to tell why he had to leave-but the point is, he WAS there for hours. Then to go on and discuss potential sexual abuse by Roger who is deceased, and other non-specific items that have nothing to do with the advertised book tour reason for the book which is author's MS diagnosis. It just all sounds like an entitled self-serving rant. There are hundred of pages of problems that are not really problems that are serious-other than the MS diagnosis...the author feels very sorry for herself throughout the book all while describing a rise to fame, a paid for education, a gifted US citizenship, beauty, a blessed marriage, kids, and other endowments that she can't seem to see through the "whoa is me" run ons. The author's MS isn't even brought up until page 107 in the book. Then it's so non-specific, it isn't even clear what the author's symptoms are. This is not a helpful book. I have a loved one with MS. This is not inspiring. I was very disappointed. This is more like the view of a Hollywood elite complaining about her housekeeper missing the dust on the corner of her 20 thousand dollar dresser.
  • Loved this book! Loved Janice Dean's honesty and candor. Her struggle with MS very interesting. It was just a really good book that I read straight through. Will recommend .
  • I love how you shared your life, the good and the bad. I love how you shared about your journey to get where you are now. I love how excited you were when you met certain talents, as well as some disappointment along the way, people you were so excited to get the chance to meet but for certain reasons were not able to.
    I love how you told us how you met the love of your life, your beautiful two Sons, how sweet and loving they are and once diagnosed with MS, how supportive your husband and others so close to you have been. These people are also many of these people are in the same business as you and personalities so many of us admire.
    I love how you shared several things that happened to you over the years that were very scary and you did this to help others in case it might help someone else, including the MS you have suffered through.
    You shared so many stories that so many of us could relate to.
    There was not one boring second in this book. I love you Janice Dean, you are so sweet, and such caring person. You never appeared to be a feel sorry for me type of person. You are a fighter in so many ways, not in a bad way. You love people, of course your family, and so many friends who have been true to you!
    I am glad God made you exactly as he did, or you wouldn't be who you are.
    God Bless to you and your family, and all those who suffer from MS and any disease that robs any one from the wonderful life we should have. I pray with all my heart for a cure of this disease very soon.
    I give this ***** I couldn't give it any less! Sincerely, a true fan of Janice Deans- love her huge smile, beautiful eyes that smile as much as her mouth.
  • Appears to be an open & honest report on life (so far) of one of FoxNews’ most charming & delightful reporters. It is important to understand that celebrity lives are not always about glamour & wealth. Sometimes life has adversities, and you deal with them as Janice Dean has been doing. This is an especially good read for young people to realize that fame and fortune are not just handed to you—you work toward it. You have good days and bad days in life, and you give it your best. This is Janice Dean—giving her best. Taking her experiences to help others.
  • At this time in my life, it was a book I very much needed. She is so open and honest. It will show you a bright outlook to whatever your going through. It made me feel, if she can be this positive in her life with all she's had and still is facing, I also can get through my next fear I'm about to face. It's an EXCELLENT read. Thank you Janice for being so sunny in your life and sharing it.
  • It is rare to get the opportunity to read a book that touches your heart, makes you laugh (and cry) and you know you will remember forever. Janice Dean does all that and more!! Watching her so happy and vivacious every day you’d never guess the struggles she has and continues to overcome.

    I rarely read autobiographies but I’m so glad I didn’t miss this one. A fantastic read. God Bless you Janice Dean!!